
Автор и едноличен собственик на правата върху цялото съдържание (текст, дизайн, и т.н.) на интернет сайта: е "АТИКА КОНСУЛТ" ЕООД, дружество с ограничена отговорност регистрирано съобразно законодателството на Р. България, ЕИК: BG103853079.

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Author and sole owner of all the intellectual property rights over the content (text, design, etc.) on the website: is "ATIKA CONSULT" Sp.Ltd. UIC: BG103853079, a limited liability company registered under the legislation of Republic of Bulgaria.

Author and sole owner of all the intellectual property rights over the content (text, design, etc.) on the website: is "ATIKA CONSULT" Sp.Ltd. UIC: 103853079, a limited liability company registered under the legislation of Republic of Bulgaria, site is intended solely for advertising the company "ATIKA CONSULT" LTD. No changes, reproduction, distribution, direct transfer, display, performance, reproduction, or creating by-product of the contents of this multimedia product publishing or selling the information uploaded on this website, are allowed except with the prior written permission from the author.

"ATIKA CONSULT" Sp. Ltd., through its website, provides links to "other sites", but has no control over the content of these "other sites" and no responsibility or liability for the content or availability.